Ever since discovering Gifcities, I was sent down a rabbit hole of the internet past. Exploring the remnants of Geocities and finding its successor, Neocities, I want to add to the collection of Gifs that give the internet a special culture of communication. 
Bunny Gif
Beginning with the Rabbit Gardener, these gifs are strictly personal for my own brand. This being one of my latest Gifs I wanted to create 'Block' gifs that frame the gif in a square with the characters existing in an environment. This is a step up from my previous gifs because I took the chance to challenge myself to make an environment be active as well. These gifs center around the more wholesome aspects of my life and the wishful nostalgia of childhood and humorous simplicity. This Bunny Gif is a part of a series inspired by the early 2000s kawaii culture and Geocities anime webrings.
Baby Tree Falling
These next five pieces started my gif creation project. I was inspired to do these gifs due to other artists on Instagram creating their own unique personalized gifs. To be able to use my gifs on Instagram stories was a definitive reason for wanting to create a series of gifs that center around simple and cute emotions. 

Dancing Pooch

Blossoming Sprout

Diseased Mouse

Love Spell